Sri Sayuktha Enclave is a magnificent project constructed at Nagarbhavi, 9th Block, 2nd Stage, Bangalore offering 2 & 3 fully customized luxurious apartments that will simply inspire your senses and take your breath away. Inspired by the simplicity of mother nature & its peace, Sri Sayuktha Enclave comprises of 8 exquisitely built luxury apartments.
This masterpiece is designed with a panoramic insight as it gives an extended invitation to factors such as plentiful light, ventilation, open spaces and green areas, without really compromising on the privacy element. Through a rich array of exclusive facilities, Sri Sayuktha Enclave will make your life healthier, more relaxing and rewarding, and hence redefining your comfort and lifestyle quotient.
R.C.C framed structure designed for zone II regulations.
6" thick external walls and 4" thick internal walls of solid block masonry.
Sliding 3 track UPVC frames with MS grills.
Stainless steel sink on 20 mm granite platform, 3" height dadoo above platform. Power point provision for drinking water purifier, refrigerator, cooking range and exhaust fans.
Stilt level parking.
Department supply & auxiliary, bore well supply.
Provision for all floors (5 Passenger capacity).
Provision for CC TV camera.
We can help you realize your dream of a new home